Aura Cleansing

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Aura Cleansing

It’s also thought that aura cleansing has roots in traditional Indian healing.

The energy that surrounds the body and forms an outward “field” is believed to be the aura. Auras can display a variety of colors at any given time, depending on the individual.

Your physical body and mental health are probably the first things that come to mind when you consider wellbeing and your general well-being.

Your aura is a third, less discussed part of your well-being that is frequently disregarded.

The invisible energy field that surrounds you, known as your aura, has a big impact on how you feel. It’s crucial to take care of your aura if you want to make sure that you always feel your best.

When You Need a Deep Aura Cleansing No matter how well you take care of your aura, you occasionally require a more intense cleansing treatment. Use the Aura Cleanse Bath Salts to rid your aura of any dark, heavy, or thick energies that you may have absorbed. These salts clean up any impurities in your energy field and raise the vibration of your aura.

To Maintain Daily Every day, take a relaxing bath with the Aura Revitalize Bath Salts and top it off with the Aura Boost Oil to keep your energy field humming at the greatest frequency. The vibration of your aura will be brightened, uplifted, and raised if you combine these two aura instruments regularly. Consider these as your energetic vitamins to maintain a healthy, lively aura.

To Safeguard Your Aura Use the Aura Protection Oil to create a stronger energetic barrier. This crystal-infused oil forms an energetic shield around your aura to block the entry of unwelcome energies and lower vibrations. This tool is for you if you are aware that your aura needs an additional layer of protection from the people, places, and things around you.

The Aura Crystals into the room Aura crystal energies are a potent technique to fortify your aura in addition to your energy tools. Here are a few of our preferred crystals for clearing the aura.

Aragonite: clears obstructions and aids in internal energy release

Smoky Quartz: keeps you grounded while purifying and shielding your aura.

Prehnite:nurtures and renews your energy field and encourages inner serenity.

Grape Agate: protects against negative energy and cleanses the aura.

Aura Repairing & Healing Visualization Try this visualization if you don’t have your instruments or wish to increase the potency of your crystals, oils, bath salts, and other aura energy tools: Shut your eyes. Think of any rips, tears, or holes in your aura being patched up. Imagine clearing away any gloom, weight, density, or filth. Imagine a white light enveloping you from head to toe. Imagine a white light expanding outward from the center of your energy field, sealing off any undesirable energies and allowing only the highest vibrations to enter you. Open your eyes after you’re done. There are a variety of ways to address your aura, and today we’re sharing our top 5 techniques to keep your aura clean, clear, and bright:

A practitioner uses many tools to purify the aura during an aura cleansing session, including:

  • - Meditation
  • - Breathing
  • - Sound
  • - Crystals