Ho'oponopono healing

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Ho'oponopono Healing

An ancient Hawaiian method of peace and forgiveness knew as ho’oponopono is thought to have healing properties. The Hawaiian term “ho’oponopono” means, loosely, “to make a right” or “to rectify an error.” It is predicated on the knowledge that all issues and conflicts in our life are the results of mistakes in perception, behavior, or thought and that healing is possible by accepting responsibility for these mistakes and asking for forgiveness.

Four key expressions are used in Ho’oponopono practice: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you.” These words are said aloud or silently as a mantra or during meditation. The goal is to address one’s shortcomings or unpleasant feelings and show others and oneself forgiveness, gratitude, and love.

According to the Ho’oponopono philosophy, healing can occur on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—by accepting responsibility for one’s own ideas, emotions, and deeds and requesting pardon from a higher force or the divine. It is regarded as a means to purify and cleanse one’s consciousness as well as to let go of any negative energy or obstructions that might be causing a disease or imbalance.

While Ho’oponopono has grown in popularity and acceptance as a healing technique, it should be noted that it is not a replacement for qualified medical or psychological care. It can be used in conjunction with more conventional healing techniques, but it’s always a good idea to speak with a doctor about any particular health issues.