Several thousand years ago, an ancient Indian spiritual tradition of universal energy known as prana gave rise to the idea of energy healing. The concept that universal energy is the fundamental element and source of all life forms is the foundation of prana, often known as the breath of life.
The term “energy healing” refers to several holistic healing modalities that harness the mind-body link to enhance both physical and emotional health. Energy healing procedures may enhance health by gaining access to, channeling, balancing, and altering the body’s natural energy centers.
Energy healers concur that everything is made of energy, including our bodies, emotions, and thoughts. Because we are energy beings, our bodies have invisible ties to the planet and the rest of the world. The energy in your body is linked to all other energy in the universe, and the two can communicate with one another. Without this unseeable force, we wouldn’t be alive. We need this constant flow of energy to keep our bodies, minds, and spirits healthy and vibrant…
Although we experience and think of our physical bodies as being made of flesh and bone, they are only a small part of who we are. Energy healing techniques involve a variety of techniques, but they are founded on the idea that every component of the body is intricately linked to every other portion and the universe.
The invisible energy field that surrounds you, known as your aura, has a big impact on how you feel. It’s crucial to take care of your aura if you want to make sure that you always feel your best.